Second recent book publication I worked on, The Vegetarian Pantry Cookbook. Written by Chloe Coker and Jane Montgomery their company CityCook
I loved working on this project, the light in the studio was consistently lovely over the shoot time, Colourful and inventive vegetarian food, a delight to shoot. 

I love the cover! We set up near the window at my studio and it was late in the afternoon. It had been a dull all day but as we were putting the finishing touches to the set the sun peaked out from the clouds, I quickly softened the light with some diffusing material and took a couple of quick shots as the sunlight streamed across the set. I love it when that happens, the perfect light just at the right time. Sublime!
The two writers were absolutely lovely to work with wrote some great inspiring vegetarian recipes.
Of course I had to try the recipes as we shot the book, one of the perks of the job... One of my favourites was the Breadcrumbed Halloumi goujons. A crunchy wrapped wedge of salty halloumi, it was great! I couldn't stop eating them.
It was on this project I met and worked with Rosie Reynolds who styled the food. Talented and fun to work with, she reminded me a bit of Tonia Gearge, another food stylist and writer I highly respect. She has the same assured confidence. A great book!
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